News in Review: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
What does the news landscape look like?
President Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine became the top story yesterday, moving the 2024 GOP presidential race into second place. The balloons / UFOs story has lost momentum. Several new stories entered the news cycle on Monday, including Alec Baldwin’s downgraded charges and Kevin McCarthy’s handing over of January 6th footage to Tucker Carlson.
This is how the top stories were covered on each side of the media yesterday:
Ukraine / Biden (21% more on the left)
GOP 2024 race (12% more on the right)
Turkey earthquake (29% more on the left)
Media bias ratings are from AllSides.
This is how articles from liberal and conservative outlets were distributed over the past five days amongst the top stories.
Liberal outlets used these words more than conservative outlets:
hospital (33.1x)
sununu (14.9x)
sanctions (3.7x)
Conservative outlets used these words more than liberal outlets:
o’keefe (4.1x)
china (2.8x)
nikki (2.8x)
What is happening in the top stories?
Now for a deep dive into our top three stories, starting with…
Ukraine / Biden
President Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, the first time a U.S. president has visited an active war zone without a U.S. military presence.
Biden’s visit was a tightly held secret and was met with a claim from a Russian political analyst that Russia allowed the visit due to their civility.
Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Mariinsky Palace and declared that “Kyiv stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.”
GOP 2024 race
Senate Republicans are waiting for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to jump into the race, but the longer he waits, the bigger the GOP primary field will grow, which is seen as helpful to Trump.
Former President Donald Trump has criticized the New York Post after it published a positive interview with his potential main 2024 GOP primary rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Supporters of Donald Trump have expressed their fury after business tycoon George Soros predicted Trump will lose the 2024 Republican presidential nomination to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Turkey earthquake
A 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook southern Turkey on Monday, two weeks after a massive earthquake and aftershocks devastated the region.
Three people were killed and more than 200 injured, according to Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu.
The United Nations has launched an appeal for $1 billion in funds to help humanitarian agencies in Turkey assist millions of people affected by the earthquakes.